Friday, December 19, 2008

Crazy News about Ex Queen of POP!

Ok so0o0o heres something funny. Have you guys heard whats been going on with Madonna lately? So we already knew she was a little weird, but who would have thought she was just crazy, ungrateful, and judgemental.
Not to long ago she was performing at a concert and she saw a couple of her fans sit down in their seats to rest for a min. She freaked out and asked them why they were sitting down, that this isnt a Barbara Striseand concert. c'mon Madonna, I mean really what has Barbara done to you lately? Oh and another thing getting paid millions to intertain us fans, u cater to us, its not the other way around. Just remember that.
There was another incident where she yelled out (F) you Sara Payland. Ok so you dont like Sara, but why do you have to be so0o rude and disrespectful to her. She hasnt done anything to you Madonna. She also called Sara a F~ing Bitch.
Wow and heres something else thats crazy, she kicked Britney Spears off of her tour because she refused to practice cabolla. Seriously Madonna, you need to get off your high horse. Not everybody has the same religion so you shouldnt judge Britney cuz of that. In fact most celebrities dont do cabolla lol. And another thing Why would you kick somebody off your tour thats making you money. Have you not noticed that your 50 years old and your still stuck in the dang 80's and you barley have a career. You need Britney more than she needs you. Just remember every year your recored sales go down and the demand for Madonna goes down. Like I said your 50 and you have yet to upgrade your music.
And people wonder why she cant keep a husband lol, shes crazy and she thinks shes god. Well after all this happened and she noticed that people werent taking to kindly to her behavior, she all of a sudden wanted to befriend Brittney Spears again. It just shows that nobody likes a conceited and ignorant person. Well newho I thought I'd share this news with you guys for some amusement. Enjoy, I sure did!!!

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