Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Gay Rights

So0o California is banning Gay/Lesbian marriage. Whats up with that? What happened to America being the place you go to for freedom? Before you know it we will have tracking devices put into our boddies and we wont be aloud to do anything. What happened to personal freedom to choose what you want to do and what makes you happy? Yes i'm a christian, but I personal beleive you cant help who you fall in love with. I also dont think that God will condemn you for being with the person who makes you happy and whom your in love with. They've also banned Gay/Lesbian couples from adopting children also. Why deny a child of having a perfectly decent home with decent people just because they have same sex marriages. Not every gay person is a pervert or a bad influence. I think that anybody and everybody who can provide a good home in a heathy environment surrounded by good people should be aloud to adopt regardless of your sexual orientation. I mean really now, do you think you can stop people from growing up and being gay by keeping them away from gay people lol? Well i have news for you America, you arent influenced to be the way you are. You are born that way. And nobody should be judged for it. Only god can judge, so how dare you try to be god. Give a child a home, give a child a chance to be happy! Let the Gay/Lesbian community get married. They want to be married for teh same reason straight people do. They want to spend the rest of their lives with somebody they love. They want personal right of their children and property if the significant other passes away. We as americans want to be treated as equals!!!! What do you think? Please tell me i'm not the only one with these opinions and views! Come people enough of the judgement and unfair laws. Lets have equality!

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