Sunday, December 21, 2008

MEN just arent real MEN anymore!

Do you ever feel like you will be single and alone forever, like there isnt a right guy for you? You know its crazy, the divorce rate is so0o high nowadays. Its nothing like it used to be. I mean whats up with that? Men arent real men like they were in the golden days. They dont respect and put their women on a pedistal anymore. Not to mention most of them have no class or morals. Whatever happened to being faithful to your significant other? Whatever happened to respecting your lady and being a true couple. I have yet to meet a real man of my generation. In my generation all you have is bums, thugs, drug addicts, and cheaters. I've dated one or two from each categorey. The few good ones that you would consider to be real are usually gay, or you come to find out that they werent all that perfect to begin with. They end up being nutzo. I'm bout ready to just give up and just be single for the rest of my life. All i really need is my son. I fully intend on showing him the decent way of living and how to treat a woman. I wish i could go back in time and snag me a real man and bring him back to 2008. That would be wonderful wouldnt it! I see all these old couples from the golden ages who have been together for 40 years and they couldnt be happier. they are still in love and fully intend on staying that way. I just think that is awesome. It would be great to have somebody you actually spend the rest of your life with. Someone once told me if you even consider divorce then you will get divorced. If divorce isnt an option then you will forever be together. I'm a firm beleiver in that. Everbody needs to keep that in mind and maybe there would be a lower divorce rate. Instead of cheating communicate with your significant other and fix the problem. instead of getting violent go out for a drive. Instead of doin drugs, play video games, instead of sleeping all day get a job. You may find if you do those things then maybe just maybe you will have a successful relationship.

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