Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A New Behinning!!!

Today was the inauguration of president elect Obama. Today is the beginning of a new day. We have officially made history. Its great to know that we have made such an improvement in america, and we are so much closer to racial equality. It was crazy awesome how many people showed up in the mall area for the inauguration. In 2005 there was 400,000. Today in 2009 there were an estimated amount of 1,400,000 people there. And they have over 7,000 troops there also. There haveing the parade right now and the streets are covered in thousands of excited fans. They said that the limos are only going 2 1/2 miles an hour. All i know is somebody is going to have to use the bathroom by the time the parade ends lol. Before the parade there was the luncheon they had. During the luncheon something scary happened. Senater Ted Kenedy was there and had a seizure. They ended up having to transport him to the hospital. They also announced today that Ted Kenedy was battleing a brain tumor. Its just amazing that he even made it to the luncheon. Hes a fighter thats for sure! Congratulations to our new president, Obama! And our prayers go out to Ted Kenedy!

Today is a new day!!!

1 comment:

RSusanna said...

Do you know how much money they are spending on the big party? 1.5million dollars! On top of that expensive new limo he just got. He hasn't even started and we are already in the hole.