Friday, July 17, 2009

Obamas recent speach...awesome!

Wow i am so0o surprised by the speach that Obama gave just recently to the NAACP! He talked about racial equality and discrimination. But what was so great about it was that he wasnt blaming it on the white people. You have no idea how great that makes me feel to here a black man who isnt blaming everything on white people. He talked about it happening between all races. He talked about taking responsibility for our own actions and how our destiny isnt made for us. That we make our own destiny. He said it is not prejudice or discrimination that presents the greatest obstacles for blacks, but rather structural inequities_ in areas such as education and health care. Still, though, he said discrimination persists — and not just for blacks — and he chided those who may contend otherwise. Its nice to know that he acknowledges all races and doesnt just cater to one! I liked how he encouraged the NAACP to have other role models other than rappers or sports stars. But i must say that should go for everybody. He is all about education and talks about how you decide your future and not others. I also liked how he shared a little bit about himself and how he grew up with a single mother with hardly any money. And he went on to explain how he could have turned the wrong way but he chose to do something about his life. There might be hope for us yet. Its just nice for him to be so honest and encouraging. He said that the NAACP may want to broading their spectrum lol...that means not just associating with your own kind but letting others in to. I think thats a wonderful idea. Communication and an open mind can lead to great things, thanks for the great speach Obama!!!!

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