Monday, March 30, 2009


Man I tell you what, this has been one hell of a few monthes. You know i'm not racest or anything but I have to throw this out there. Black people talk about how they dont have equality but yet they get all these benefits like medical insurance, foodstamps and welfare like its nothing. I'm white and i cant hardly get shit. Its way harder for me as a white girl to get anything literally. I think its great that black people can get assistance and stuff but damn why cant i? Its just not fair. It has taken me three monthes to get foodstamps and medicaid and I actually really need it. Its crazy how the system works. But atleast now i'm able to get my health issues taken care of. I have had some really bad throat problems. My tonsels have lumps on them and have been seriously swollen and not to mention the bumps on the back of my throat. I went to the hospital finally last night and sat for 5 hours cuz i couldnt hardly swollow and it was hurting so bad. Come to find out I just had a severe case of sinusitus and they gave me an antibiotic YAY! Now hopefully it will all go away. Now I just have to get my stomach issues taken care of and I'll be good to go.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Well I've decided to wait and not move in with my boyfriend. Hes not to happy about it and i cant say i blame him. Considering I just sudden;y changed my mind. I'm sure he'll get over it though. I just dont see the point in rushing to move in when we've only been back together for like 4 monthes. I think its best to take our time and not move so fast. I've seen to many friends move way to fast with a relationship in the past and it just screwed things up. I've done it in the past and it had nothing but a negative result. If he really wants to be with me then he can wait to have a place with me. But on a lighter note my job has been goinb pretty good except for the fact I dont get as many hours as i would like. Hopefully that will all change soon though. I just know that 20 hours a week isnt enough for me thats for sure. I'm trying to decide if i want to stay at the store i'm at or transfer. I like the people i'm working with but the hours are just messed up and from what i've heard the store that i'm at is pretty stingy when it comes to getting raises. I guess we will see.